Female Singer and Bass Guitar

The show must go online!


about us

Artists Unlimited is a collective of music lovers and musicians that thinks in solutions. The AU platform was created in March 2020 during a 'Hack The Crisis' brainstorming session. 

The idea is simple: AU! is a platform where artists can set up their own livestream concert with ticket sales. The streams are an extra source of income for the artist and the whole audience is in the front row.

Sound Equipment
Broadcast Video Camera

For Artists

Ready to let your music be heard by an audience? Register on our platform. We will contact you and do everything we can to make it a successful livestream show (even if technique is not quite your thing).

Artists Unlimited is convinced that the performance income should mainly be for the artist himself. Thanks to the efforts of a passionate team of volunteers, we limit the cost of keeping the platform in the air to 10%. 12% of the ticket sales goes to the authors of the works and the remaining 78% goes to you as an artist. You can use this money to cover your own artist fee and any other costs (location, technique, ...).

We can't offer the sweaty smell of the festival visitor next to you, but we can offer a unique live experience in the living room. Have a look through our agenda, buy a ticket and put your feet in a mud bath. With your eyes closed, the festival feeling is very close by.


For the audience